Cloud Based Software

In the software as a service (SaaS) model, users gain access to application software and databases. Cloud providers manage the infrastructure and platforms that run the applications. SaaS is sometimes referred to as "on-demand software" and is usually priced on a pay-per-use basis or using a subscription fee. And SaaS software is very important for managing your business. Cloud Based Software for transport and Logistics Industry.

SaaS is Cloud-Based Software

Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions for Transport and Logistics is designed to meet the needs of businesses regardless of size, providing a simplified, streamlined, integrated end-to-end approach that is essential for Mobile Resource Management (MRM). This also helps to more efficiently managing costs and IT staffing.

Many operators today function on a manual, decentralized and fragmented model, without the help of optimization or decision support technology. As a result, routing schedules tend to be static with little to no ability to manage dynamic jobs and/or route changes. This leads to added costs, fragmented fleet planning and underutilization of assets in the field.

Benefits of Cloud Based Software (SaaS)

Reduced time to benefit: The user has the advantage of provisioning the server for an instance in cloud and in a couple hours they can have the application ready for use. This reduces the time spent in installation and configuration, and can reduce the issues that can get in the way of the software deployment.

Lower costs:  Software as a Service (SaaS) will reduce your costs by decreasing the total cost of ownership of your software infrastructure. More importantly though, is that when SaaS applications are correctly integrated into your business, they can enable an increase in your competitive advantage. 

Scalability and integration:  Every growing business needs scalable applications to handle the inevitable increases in data and transactions. Without scalability, you are at risk of the “noisy neighbor” syndrome as shown in this example of a traditional multitenant model from a legacy cloud provider. If your business shared a cloud database with this noisy neighbor company, you’d soon notice significantly slower processing speeds and reporting performance, along with a month-end close that takes days, rather than minutes.

New releases (upgrades): SaaS Release Management can be executed using manual methods for configuration and deployment, however, this comes at a higher cost to organizations, in terms of operational efficiency and labor expenses. Automated SaaS Release Management tools provide a better SaaS Release Management solution; in terms of cost, operational efficiency and effectiveness. SaaS Release Management tools may be incorporated into the cloud services platform used to deliver cloud based software applications.

Easy to use and perform proof of concepts:  SaaS Cloud based software Proof of Concept (or POC) a project is a common approach used by companies to assess the viability of a software product for solving a particular business need. The product (often referred to as a solution) can be bought from a vendor or built by an in-house development team, with both approaches having pros and cons. Through managing a presales team, and having led POC engagements myself, I have seen the symptoms and uncovered causes of successful and failed POCs.  


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